Progression Run & Nostalgia


It doesn’t seem like that long ago that this picture was taken, but its been almost five years!  The thing is, I believe I can be just as good, if not better than I was when I was competing on the collegiate level.   I know that sounds largely over confident and probably unrealistic, but I’ve matured in not only my knowledge of how to train, but also I am a lot better at taking care of myself.  I’ve realized through the years of doing endurance sports that taking a more holistic approach to competing is the only way I can achieve my goals, and be a happy, healthy person.  My running is important to me, but it means nothing if I cannot be a calm, mindful mother, loving wife and present friend, daughter, etc.  I know I need to practice recovering well, resting, self massage, deep breathing, meditation and positive affirmations.  I can’t run myself in the ground like I used to and be successful, and I know this. I am admitting this:  I overworked myself in the name of athletics. I deprived myself of health, of happiness and friendships trying to achieve a place among the crowds. I tried to achieve some imaginary name, or title, thinking it would make me better, but it didn’t.  Today I run for myself, to be better than yesterday, to be fitter, faster… not thinner, sexier or to impress others.  I run to challenge myself.

Today’s run was an 8 mile progression run from hell.  The last 2 miles really hurt, especially at 5 a.m. in the morning.  It took me 1.5 or so to get warmed up!


1.4 miles, started out walking pace the gradually increased to 8 min/mile pace

mile 1: 8 min mile pace

mile 2: 7:45 pace

mile 3: 7:40

mile 4: 7:35

mile 5: 7:25

mile 6: 7:14

mile 7: 7:04, 6:58

mile 8: 6:48-6:20


~1 mile 10 min mile pace

Then jumped in the car to shower and be ready for the kiddos!  I feel weird this morning, no appetite after the effort.  I love to eat, so not have an appetite kinda bites (pun intended).

My mother is visiting today, so I’m excited to share my Ella with her and enjoy a day of play at the mall kids’ center, and for once, some adult interaction ;-D