Treadmill Run

I was motivated to get running today, and after feeding EK breakfast, cleaning the floors and downing some joe, I was surprised my motivation was still there!  Some days are definitely better than others, and at the moment I am experimenting with when/what time I do my runs.  Most of my runs are done on the treadmill, well, because I have a 16 month old little girl and it sucks pushing a jogging stroller (even more so than treadmill running).  I used to abhor the treadmill, but after taking a break from running I kinda enjoy the simplicity of it and being able to set a pace and stick to it without thought.  I used to also not warm-up, but have been reading a lot of Maffetone’s training advice and am incorporating a warm-up and cool-down to each run.  This actually adds a good 20-30 minutes to my routine, but at this point I’m looking for every possible way to prevent injury.  I used to be the kinda person who would jump into a run at a 6:50 pace, run 7 miles and then get in the car to drive  home. Ouch- not anymore.  Anywho- my run:

Warm- up:

15 minutes incline walking

kept increasing the incline and pace until my HR was up to about 155bpm


8 miles

First 2 miles at 8 min mile pace, 5K @ 7:00-7:24, 5 miles at 8-8:24 pace


5 minutes incline walking

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