Easy Peasey Lemon Squeezey

I am a little surprised how fresh I am feeling today, and how energetic I am after running my 12 miles this morning.  Tbey felt super long- I think I looked at the distance counter every .2 miles and calculated just how long I had left in minutes…tick tock, tick tock.  I also worry about the time limit for the gym kids care… did I take too long getting upstairs and warming up?  Are they going to come get me any moment now?  I have a fear of being THAT mom who leaves her child in kids care over the time limit.  Everyone knows THOSE kinds of moms get talked about by the staff… I can hear their critical voices, shamefully expressing their sincere concern about the well-being of my child.  Okay, so its probably not that big of a deal, but these are the insane, nonsensical, and quite imaginary scenes I make up in my head while the .2 miles keep creeping by.

I wanted to increase my speed because it felt really comfortable, but I guess that is the whole point of Maffetone training.  Gonna keep at it like this for awhile and see where I end up!

Warm up:

10 minutes incline walking til HR at 155ish


12 mins @ 7:53-8 min mile pace (mostly at 8 min mile)

@ 8 min mile pace I can keep my MAF HR of 154 pretty easily.  It did start creeping up towards the very end.


I slowed my run the last .5 mile or so and walked a bit afterwards, did some short drills to actively stretch

I am definitely leaning up.  I lifted a lot during my cardio break and put on some fat plus a lot of muscle. I am happy that my arms are shaping up pretty well with the fat loss.  It’s going slow, which is my goal, but I’m definitely coming along!

bicepHot dog look at those guns!